Sher-I-Kashmir Police Academy at Udhampur was established as Police Training College in the year 1981 and upgraded to the level of Academy in April 1998. The Academy runs induction courses for
Dy. SsP, Prosecuting Officers and Sub-Inspectors of Armed, Executive and Telecommunication
Police, besides promotion courses of Sgcts, Head Constables and ASIs. The Academy also runs 38 specialized courses for various ranks.
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Director's Message |
The SKPA Udhampur is the premier institution of Police training in the state. Here we endeavour to train the Police professionals for taking on new challenges, while keeping pace with the fast changing world and problems confronting law enforcement agencies from new breed of crimes and criminals.
Ethics, integrity, professionalism and a human outlook are qualities we strive to ingrain while we turn young men & women into officers dedicated to the service of people.
The endeavour of the S.K. Police Academy Udhampur is :-
• To achieve excellence in Police training, both basic and in-service.
• To identify the training needs of the state police at various levels and structure dedicated courses for the same.
• To nourish human values, right attitudes and behavior among policemen in professional as well as their personal lives.
• To develop the overall personality of a trainee making him or her physically agile and mentally alert.
• To encourage interaction between police personnel and experts in other fields including management, human rights, behavioral sciences, media, judiciary, women's organizations etc. so that there is sufficient exposure to other disciplines.
• To organize short courses on various specialized topics as well as executive development programs for senior police officers.
• To develop the Academy into a model training institute equipped with the latest and most advanced training facilities.
The Academy is equipped with latest facilities, and training is sought to be imparted through interactive methods, where participation is elicited from the trainees for their overall development of personality. We strive that our training sculpts officers who set examples in professionalism and public service while performing their duties in the field.